Thursday, November 21, 2019

Millennials group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Millennials group - Essay Example For this essay, the main focus is on the Millennials group. This Millennials key identifying feature is that it is brought up in a digital world. The Millennials are referred to as the Generation Y group, who are between the adolescent age and 30yrs old (13-30yrs). This is the newest group of generation. There are different types of generations: 1) â€Å"the great generation† born in 1925-1942; 2) baby boomers born in 1945-1964; 3) generation Xers born in 1965-1976, and 4) generation Y, born in 1977-2000. All these generations have a considerable impact on the workforce but with the rising numbers of Millennials in the workforce, more changes may yet to come on how organizations operate. Notably, the majority of the top executive positions in various organizations are occupied by the Great generation or baby boomers than the Generation Xers and lastly the lower positions by the Millennials (Smith 1). Millennials â€Å"are the most ethnically and racially diverse cohort of you th† in history. They are an emerging group of all time in U.S. history to be more politically active, for example, during the 2008 elections 66% of them endorsed Obama as they preferred candidate as compared to 32% who voted for McCain. These figures show a huge gap as compared to other generations voting figures which were closely equal. They are also the generation with good familiarity with recent technology as parts of their daily lives â€Å"like tweeting and texting, facebook, YouTube†¦Ã¢â‚¬  They are also not religious as compared to the other generations. The Millennials always have a tendency of desiring regular promotions in their jobs and for them to climb the ladder quickly to the top managerial positions. They rely on mentoring and have strong personalities of achieving more each day.

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